Home Sick. Again.

Its 4:20 AM as I write this. Just finished several logos for 2 clients and my eyes are about to give up. The baby inside me is still awake though. Possibly roused by my slouching posture for the past few hours now. I know we both need to sleep and that its bad for both of us to have all-nighters… But like the early morning adrenaline I still have, my homesickness has been lingering since my parents’ last phone call.

Yes, and that was almost 8 hours ago. Just before Breaking Dawn 2 began at the cinema. I had to cut off my conversation with my dad coz the movie was about to start. They just called to tell me my cousin is giving me my nephew’s stroller and crib.

Its seldom for them to call that late, considering there’s office work later. I just miss my family… 😦 can’t wait to get home next year with baby in tow and meet the new pet. And to think it’d be Christmas in several days makes it all the more sad… T_T